The US Army Corps of Engineers completed a $23M study in 2002 concluding that the 4 Lower Snake River Dams should be removed. Let’s hold them to it.

Take Action.


Contact the Decision Makers.

Governor Inslee (WA) 360-902-4111
Senator Cantwell (WA) 206-220-6400
Senator Murray (WA) 206-553-5545
Army Corps of Engineers 202-761-1878
Governor Little (ID) 208-334-2100
Senator Risch (ID) 208-342-7985
Senator Crapo (ID) 208-334-1776
Governor Brown (OR) 503-378-4582
Senator Wyden (OR) 503-326-7525
Senator Merkley (OR) 503-326-3386

Stop Eating Farmed Salmon.

The Southern Resident Orcas are starving, literally. They need access to every salmon available, and talking down the Lower 4 Snake River Dams is the most sensible thing we can do to restore Salmon runs. But Salmon Farming is also hugely detrimental to Wild Salmon, and voting with our dollars is something we can do today. It’s the least we can do.
